Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Terrible News

November 18th-December 3rd: The most horrific thing happened to day as I came down from the upstairs. Mother was at the kitchen table with her head in her arms and was crying. I saw grannie hold in Margret in her arms with a blacket over her with just a small area of her face showing. The strange thing was, was that she wasnt fussing or crying she was just still and peaceful. Then I realized the most horrible, realization baby Margret was dead! I could let it be true, I knew she wasnt doing well ever since the boat ride here her and mother were ill but I didnt think it could come to this. I ran over to mother and started to cry. Just then Jamie came down the stairs and was about to run out the door and was calling Laddie. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back in the house. He doesnt know what is going on. Then I heard a loud banging sound coming from the back of the house, I went outside to see what it was. It was father making a small coffin. I fell to my knees and began to weep, father came over and held me in his warm imbrase. The paster came over to see the family and was with mother for the most of the day trying to comfort her but it didnt help much. Hannah came over and I told her the sads news. After that many people came over to see us, some of the people we didnt even know but it was nice to have other people around. The funeral is set for tomorow. And she will be laid to rest at a small sematary outside of town. I cant write anymore because im crying to hard and making a terrible mess with the ink.

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