Monday, October 19, 2009

journal entry #2

October 25th-November 18th: One of the saddest things happened today just as sad as when we had to leave our home in albany. We had to search through our things and only the things we could pack with out our wagon. It was so hard to part with some of our most loved pocesions. We couldnt bring bess our beloved cow or our horse named old blue. I cannot imagion what will happen with her when we are gone and i hope someone good gets him and takes good care of him. Now we are in our small boat with the two other families, the Dennys and the Rosses. Im so happy that me and Hannah are still together and we have so much fun together singing and playing. Hannah is the nicest person i have ever met she is so kind and helps me carry thing when iam carring baby margret. She is so pretty but doesnt talk about it like my old friend Lizzy that always talked about how fair her skin was and how pretty her hair was. Mother and baby margret are really sick. We stop on land for meals ever once and a while, then its off again. I dont think the sailors sleep they are always working trying the hardest to get us to the mainland as soon as possible. I can see the main land in the distance and i cant wait to barry my feet in the nice cool sand... we are there and it feels so good to be on solid ground jamie and the other small children are chacing each other and the dog is right on their heals. Father says we are almost there and i cant wait.

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